Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Learning Style

Apparently I have a pretty good balance in the ways that I learn. I lean slightly toward being reflective (thinking a little before I act), intuitive (understanding better through learning concepts rather than straight facts), and sequential (I guess I understand concepts better if the follow a logical order).

I have a decided preference for visual learning. This is no shock to me! I have always taken in information much more efficiently in the form of charts, graphs and illustrations. It does appeal to my scientific mind and my ability to see concepts and patterns. The intuitive/sequential learning styles are also conducive to this visual learning style as well.

I use several techniques to accommodate this learning style. My notes tend to be a hybrid of diagrams and short-hand outlines of information. This is translated into my classroom in the form of whiteboard drawings, short videos and demonstrations/labs. This is a very beneficial occurrence since a learning style survey of our own students shows that a large percentage of our them are visual learners themselves. It is nice that I can pass on the tactics that I use to learn on to the kids that I teach.